Wednesday, November 18, 2009

FD No. 4 and thoughts on growing up

Last week Ethan's class went on a field trip, and Clare and I got to go along! Both kindergarten classes walked down the road to the fire station, because they were studying the letter "F" that week. And it was a beautiful, fall day, so there were lots of leaves to crunch underfoot on the way. So fun!

I just love being able to be involved in Ethan's class, and to see him in this element. It is so encouraging to me to see him grow up and behave well in a setting outside our home. I mean, he has mostly been here, with me, for his first 5 years of life...and sometimes when you're in the midst of raising little ones, it's hard to see the fruit of all your labor. Especially when the 3 year old brother has a bad day, and mom feels like pulling her hair out... :) I really just need to take the time to reflect, I guess.

Days like this remind me of how important it is to keep going. To continue on at home with these little ones. I would have never thought a kid as hyper and crazy as Ethan Brooks could sit still at a desk or stand in a line, especially at 5! (I love this kid, but he is nothing, if not crazy wild!) But he can sit still and listen well - I have seen him with my own eyes...and it just amazes me, to be perfectly honest. :)

His teacher told me at our Parent-Teacher conference that Ethan has never given her a moment's trouble. How can this be???? She assured me it was true, that she would tell me if it were otherwise, but that he is very responsive to her authority in the classroom, that he is quick and happy to obey. Oh my goodness, gracious, could there be sweeter words to a mother's ears??? Thank you, Lord, for letting something sink in!

And he is doing great academically, but she went on and on about his knowledge of the Word of God and his scripture memory. I love that! (Have I mentioned we love his school???) At the end of our time together, she said, "Ethan is a very special boy, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord does with his life. I want to go to his wedding someday, because I just know the Lord is preparing a very special bride for him."

I just love his teacher! She is very strict with her class, but very loving as well. When she says it, she means it - I've seen her dole out discipline - but she is quick to appreciate the good character she sees too. The perfect combination for a kindergarten teacher, I think! (and for a mom too)

Every chance she gets, she steals Clare from me. :) I think she is hoping for some grandchildren of her own in the somewhat near future. Mom, she just adores the hats you've made for Clare!

We've been so encouraged by the growth in Ethan's life this year - so glad to see his heart tender to the things of God. The other night at dinner, he asked Dave when he'd be old enough to pray at the prayer meeting. That encouraged us! It is such a joy to see him read and enjoy his Bible... not so very long ago, he was just a wiggly, rowdy toddler that we could hardly keep still at church, and now he is beginning to desire to be involved. Lord, keep his heart soft toward You!

Ethan's whole kindergarten class, minus one. Sporting their Very Hungry Caterpillar t's - the theme of their classroom this year.

I just love my little kindergartner - and the joy he finds in learning, the exuberance for life he has. Every day when I pick him up from school, he jumps in the car and asks, "What exciting thing are we doing today, Mom?" Cracks me up... for Ethan, life is just one party to the next. :)


Anonymous said...

Such encouraging thoughts. I've always had a special place in my heart for Ethan. He is my first grandchild and I knew he was special when he was born. He was very alert and seemed to want to take in all his surroundings. When he was one or two I remember him being so interested in the school bus when it came down the street. I could tell he was thinking about life beyond home. I'm glad he is enjoying school. I love his enthusiastic smile. Mom

Lynn said...

It always amazed me how they could keep all those kindergartners quietly listening and still! They do such a good job and most of all they really love the kids and get to know them well. I still remember our first parent-teacher grade K conference - they told us that Rebekah would make a great CEO of a company some day! Haha - their personalities develop young!!! Ethan is so sweet - so glad he is growing in his love for the Lord!

Shawna said...

It is so good to reflect, it is hard to imagine the fruit of your labor when you are in the thick of it! During that crazy toddler stage Rex would promise me it would be worth it, but I'd just sit there and cry assuring him he was wrong! ;)

Love ethan's heart for the Lord, so very precious.

And hasn't he been asking what next since he could talk? I love it, he is ALWAYS ready for the next thing!

Kelly said...

What a sweet boy you have, Rachel and how wonderful to be able to observe the fruit of your labors! I just love this post! Brought tears to my eyes to read all about your little kindergartner and how grown up he is becoming!

Melissa Gail said...

Thanks for sharing this Rachel - it was so wonderful to read and see how the Lord is shaping Ethan into a man after His own heart : )

Loved the pictures of the field trip, it felt like I was on the trip with you all!

bandanachick said...

Thanks so much for posting this! It gives me encouragement for our future with Austin. :)
I am so glad that Ethan is doing so well at school, I bet Simon can't wait to go too!

Rachel said...

What encouragement! Keep up the good work!

Rachel said...

Oh! This is Rachel (Peasland) Ramirez, by the way! :)

jenica said...

These are encouraging thoughts. A challenge for me to remember to look for the improvements in my children instead everything they are still doing wrong.

I'm so glad he is having such a enriching year at kindergarten! Will that teacher come visit my house?

Reagan said...

This is so encouraging and fun! You've done a great job and you set such a great example. Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

beautiful post. its so nice to hear others praise our children, isnt it? we know how special and how lovely they are, but we also know how sinful and disobedient they can be. it is so encouraging to see they ARE learning, even if they dont always share that knowledge with us :)

Anne said...

What a blessed gift they are and precious to see the Lord work in their lives. What a privledge to be a mom!!!