Monday, February 22, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

My little body boarder

Sadly, we're not still there, or we'd be eating fresh seafood and fruit every day. :(

Leftover Cauliflower Soup, Crusty Bread
Crackers, Cheese, and Fruit Slices
Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, and Pancakes - Simon's Birthday Brunch

Mushroom, Bacon, and Onion Pizza & Garlic Bread/Marinara Sauce
Spinach Bacon Quiche, Fruit Smoothies, Orange Slices
Taco Soup, Tortilla Chips
Penne a la Betsy, Italian Salad, Green Beans
To Lawrence to see a new cousin!
Benedictine Ball - kids will eat sandwiches
Lasagna Rolls, Caesar Salad - Fellowship Dinner


Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I was there again. That water is so beautiful! God's first creation is magnificent - just think about it. What will it be like when He creates a new heaven and a new earth? I'm looking forward to that! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

thanks !! very helpful post!