Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Slow summer days

Oops. It's been almost 10 weeks since my last post. I didn't mean to let this part of my pregnancy go so undocumented, but with summer here, I guess I've been busy enough to stay off the computer.

I am so very thankful to be feeling less nauseous and more like my old self. Now it's just normal third trimester aches and pains - heartburn, achy back and legs, anemia - but I'll take this over the beginning any day.

And yet even this far into it, it still hardly feels real. In about 9 weeks I'll be holding our newborn son, and I seriously can't wrap my mind around it! Who is he? Will he be blond too? What is his name????? ;)

But the Lord is good, and His gifts to me, so evident! Here is my count from the last couple months:

70. Laid back summer days with my 3 blondies - what a precious gift this is!

71. Ice cold coke

72. Kansas heat {not quite so painful as Oklahoma heat}

73. The hospitality of family

74. The chance for my children to spend all summer with cousins - from both sides of the family

75. Afternoons spent swimming

76. A thriving garden and the thrill that it brings the kids

77. Finally feeling like I have a good home management routine down - a year after we've moved in, and in my third trimester no less!

78. Living a quiet life

79. The privilege of being a part of VBS this year

80. Another baseball season almost complete

81. Date nights with my love