Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Weekly shopping trip

I did my grocery shopping at Sam's Club, CVS, Walgreens and Dillons this week. Here's a picture of what I bought.

I won't list everything there, and the only things not pictured are 14 lbs of ground beef (already cooking in the crockpot!) and 5 lbs of apples and 3 lbs of bananas. Amazingly enough, the combined total of all four stores was $40.18!!!

The Propel waters were on sale at Dillons for $1.00 each, and using this coupon (and you can print as many as you want!) they were free! The lunchables were also free with a coupon, but I can't figure out how to link to it. Email me if you want me to send it to you. Or tell me how to link to a pdf file. :)

Here's our menu for the week:
  • Monday - grilled hamburgers with all the fixings, green beans, salad
  • Tuesday - BBQ'd chicken, broccoli and cauliflower casserole, banana muffins
  • Wednesday - cheesy chicken and rice casserole, carrot sticks, Greek salad, fruit
  • Thursday - spaghetti and meat sauce, Caesar salad, green beans
  • Friday - date night!
  • Saturday - Tacos
  • Sunday - Lasagna, Caesar salad, steamed broccoli, rolls
Obviously only part of what is pictured is included in our weekly menu. Much of it is from previous shopping weeks, frozen meats and non-perishables in my pantry that I based my menu off of. I posted about this strategy here.

If you're new to shopping at CVS (one of my favorite stores!), I encourage you to read this article by Crystal. I also wrote a basic tutorial here. Then read this one, and go this week! This is the perfect week to start! Happy shopping!


  1. What if you just post the PDF link like a normal link?

  2. I'm always inspired by your grocery shopping habits, Rachel! Keep sharing your tips!

  3. wow! that is amazing. way to go. i just listed a yummy recipe for apple cookies if you like baking.

  4. Can I come over and eat dinner at your house tonight? :)

  5. Yes, you may, Heather. :)

    I would post the pdf link if I knew what it was...how do I figure that out? Do I sound dumb, or what? :)

  6. Rachel, please come to Iowa and teach me. BTW, I must sound dumb... what is CVS? I don't think that they are in Iowa. I'll try to find one around our area.

  7. OK, I looked CVS up, there are none around our area. Apparently, they only have three in the entire state. Too bad.

  8. Wow...you did good, as always!

  9. Okay I've got to figure out this whole coupon thing. That's really amazing!

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I found your blog today and I am amazed! Please if you have a email list I would love to be on it. I just can't seem to get it right when I go to CVS and Walgreens. It could be with four teenagers, a husband, activities, church, job that I am overwhelmed. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information!

  11. Wow! You did great! Certainly a better week than I had. (If you're curious, I spent almost $62.) You can read about it on my blog, if you'd like!

    Have a lovely day.

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I got your blog through Crystal Paine's and enjoyed your post about CVS. It was encouraging because I'm just starting out.

    My question is related to your cooking hamburger meat in the Crock Pot--I've never heard of that and am eager to try it. Is it just as simple as putting the defrosted meat in on low and leaving it to cook? Thanks for the info,

  13. Christy,
    Yes, that's exactly it! It works especially well with a large quantity of ground beef, like 5-15 lbs. When you get home from the store, simply throw the defrosted meat (or fresh, however you're purchasing it) in on low, and it takes about all day. Then pour in a strainer, rinse and chop with a spatula. Divide into meal size portions and freeze.
